Wednesday, March 19, 2008

History of social networking

Since I am over fifty and a "rookie" at social networking, I am trying to gain all I can by digging and listening. I found this link helpful to give me a foundation on a timeline on social networking and a link to wikipedia and information gleaned there. Of course, the best way to learn about it is to ask my own children! They love it when someone they haven't seen in a long time adds their name to their list of friends. What a great way to contact a voice from the past. Our district filters social networking sites, so I check it out at home. I'm not as savvy as the kids who use proxy servers that spring up overnight.


your Athenaeum Bard said...

Three cheers for those over 50! :-)

I didn't realize that was such a late arriver. That's the one used at Carleton College.

Linda said...

Thanks for the link. FYI - not sure what it means, but when I opened gardagami's "here" link, some weird possibly fake anti-virum boxes popped up. I wonder if they are actuallly infected links. Linda