This is indicative of what frustration I feel as I peruse the completed Health papers classes turned in after many lessons on how to access databases and use of proper MLA citations. THESE ARE HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS! Who did their work? The papers revealed such responses on "Work Cited" pages as
- yahoo.com
- American Diabetes Association site
- A book called Diabetes
We need to revisit this lesson! Obviously, they didn't get it!
Thanks for sharing this. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels the frustration of trying to communicate a concept and having kids either not get it or not care . . . Onward & upward!
Jeanne LaMoore
Chaska MILI participant
I've found that sometimes it takes more than one project with the teacher and LMS insisting on reliable sources and correct citations for kids to get it and DO it....Linda
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